Comments from Juneteenth Newsletter
I received an email and some comments from some of our LoveTribe from the Juneteenth Newsletter.
Some were feeling angry and “shocked” that I had excluded them from the “sale”, that it was “reverse racism”. And some were angry that it was laying a guilt trip on the white community, on them personally. And I think there were many more who didn’t respond who also felt like this. So I thought I’d speak to my intentions.
This wasn’t a sale. Juneteenth is about acknowledging all the damage that was done and inflicted on our black community by our white community. And If you look into the history … it was huge and heartbreaking. This wasn’t a sale, this was a small gesture of what I believe is needed reparations.
My intention wasn’t to exclude but to include as part of a community giving back.
I think many people get confused between guilt and responsibility. Many have said, “I don’t feel guilty, I never did any harm”.
It’s not about guilt, actually I feel guilt is an excuse for not taking responsibility.
I don’t feel guilty, I feel heartbroken. And I feel joy in raising up our community in ways that I am able. We all rise together.
As a white woman, I have had more opportunities and more safety in this country because of my skin color.
I feel personally how this bias works being a woman in business (and in the world). I’ve had less opportunity then my male biz friends in so many ways. And it has hurt me and my business over the years, even within a community of well meaning hippy businesses, the “old boys network” was still deeply entrenched. Even if we don’t think we are racist, it is still deeply entrenched. And reparations will help this for us all.
This response is just an opening for conversation. I’d actually like to spend more time on this, but right now my time cup overflowith. And as Eric Utne’s grandmother always said, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly”
I know many of you out there could help me unfold this dialog, just like the women did with their letters and comments. Please do!
xoxo Devi